Meth, ecstasy and cocaine possession are felony grade offenses. The fines, penalties and jail time will depend upon the amount possessed. Conviction for less than a single gram of cocaine or methamphetamine may be punishable by up to two years in a state jail facility and by a fine up to $10,000. Any or all of the state punishment may be probated, in an eligible case, for up to five years. It is also illegal to consume, possess or be under the influence of Xanax or Adderall unless prescribed by a physician. Furthermore, a conviction for any drug charge in Texas will result in a driver’s license suspension. No matter how insignificant your drug charge may seem to you now, your future record is at stake, and your charges need to be taken seriously. An experienced Bryan/College Station drug charges defense attorney familiar with drug charge defenses can be critical to avoiding jail time.   Check out other articles of interest here. Also, visit my Bryan|College Station Criminal Defense Blog for other posts about criminal defense and trial advocacy.